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Bachelor of Social Work MAC-FHCS-BACH_OF_SOC_WORK Department
Department of Allied Health and Human Performance MAC-FHCS-ALLD_HLTH_HUMN_PERF Department
Department of Child and Youth Care MAC-FHCS-CHLD_YTH_CARE Department
Department of Human Services and Early Learning MAC-FHCS-HUMN_SRVS_EARL_LRNG Department
Department of Public Safety and Justice Studies MAC-FHCS-PUBL_SFTY_JUST_STDS Department
INTD 205 - Social Determinants of Health INTD_205 Course
INTD 208 - Mental Health Promotion INTD_208 Course
INTD 210 - Global Issues in Public Health INTD_210 Course
INTD 215 - Climate Change and Health INTD_215 Course
INTD 220 - Wicked Problems in Health INTD_220 Course
INTD 225 - Sport, Development and Peace INTD_225 Course
INTD 228 - The Business of Sport INTD_228 Course
INTD 230 - Working with Sexual and Gender Minority Children and Youth INTD_230 Course
INTD 250 - Indigenous INTD_250 Course
Nursing Extension and Contracts MAC-FHCS-NURS_EXST_AND_CONT Department
School of Social Work MAC-FHCS-SOC_WORK Department

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